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VDI 4221 Blatt 3:2018-01

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VDI 4221 Blatt 3:2018-01

Quality assurance - Requirements on interlaboratory tests in immission control - Design, performance and evaluation of interlaboratory tests for ambient air quality measurement methods at test gas distribution systems

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This standard specifies requirements on the design of interlaboratory testing schemes and the performance and evaluation of interlaboratory tests for ambient air quality measurement methods for gaseous measurement components at test gas distribution systems. The standard applies to interlaboratory testing schemes for control of the quality of test laboratories and the control of measuring systems and measurement methods for the determination of ambient air quality. These testing schemes include interlaboratory tests for gaseous inorganic and organic chemical compounds. The standard may be applied in conjunction with VDI 4221 Part 1 only. The standard applies to providers of interlaboratory tests, to accreditation bodies, to test laboratories and competent authorities in the field of immission control.

Author VDI
Editor VDI
Document type Standard
Format File
ICS 13.040.01 : Air quality in general
Number of pages 16
Replace VDI 4221 Blatt 3 (2016-07)
Year 2018
Document history VDI 4221 Blatt 3 (2018-01)
Country Germany
Keyword VDI 4221;4221